Link Popularity Check, Site Link Analyzer, Link Value…
Deep Link Ratio ToolThis tool was created to analyze how the deep link ratio of a site affects its rank in search engines. We can use this tool to compare the DLRs for the best ranking sites for a search phrase.
Link Popularity CheckLink popularity check is one of the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure your website’s online awareness and overall visibility…
Link Popularity CheckerThe Link Popularity Checker tells you how many websites are linking to yours…
LINK VALIDATION SPIDERFree Online Broken Link Checker
Link Price CalculatorThis tools will help you determine the approximate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website
Link ValueThis tool calculates the link value per month of a given website.
Reciprocal Link CheckThis tool helps you ensure that your link partners are linking back to your website. It also determines the anchor text used by your link partners to link to your website.
Site Link AnalyzerThis tool will analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text…
The Link Reputation Measurement ToolReveals backlinks pointing to your target url along with the following: Link Survey - Link Reputation Score - Text used in links pointing to you - Alexa traffic analysis for the site corresponding to each backlink
Outbound LinksThis tool shows every outgoing link from the given domain. Separated in external and internal links
Search Engine Position Checker, Spider Simulator, Ranking Report, SERP Tracker
Google vs Yahoo GraphThis tool looks at the results from Yahoo and Google, finds the similarities and then gives you a graphical display of what results are in both search engines
Search Engine Position CheckerThe Search Engine Position Checker tool will automatically query the search engines you specify and check if your URL appears in the first 50 results for your chosen keywords….
Search Engine Spider SimulatorWith this tool you see all informations a search engine spider receive from a website.
Marketleap Search Engine Verification ToolOur verification tool checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword
Number of pages indexedThis tool will generate a report showing how many pages of your website has been indexed by the search engines so far. It supports all major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alltheweb, Hotbot and AltaVista.
Search Engine Ranking ReportInput key phrase list get Google rankings
Serps PositionUse this tool to find out, on which position your domain is ranked for the given keyword and compare the first 100 results by Google, search.MSN and Yahoo.
SERP TrackerThe SERP Tracker reports on search engine results and charts performance over time
SEO Analyzer, Scanner
Free SEO ToolsSEOToolSet
Cool SEO Tool!This internet marketing tool checks the top 10 sites that rank in Google. After that, it checks to see how those 10 sites rank in Yahoo and in MSN….
SEO AnalyzerThe SEO Analyzer is a FREE tool that uses a sophisticated algorithm that detects how optimized your web design is for search engines
SEO ScannerAn all-in-one advanced SEO analysis, tracking, and reporting tool
Robots.txt Tools
Robots Txt GeneratorUse this tool to generate a simple robots file for your website…
Robots.txt syntax checkerThis robots.txt syntax checker checks the contents of a site’s robots.txt.
Miscellaneous Tools
Directory Submission ManagerUse this free tool to track your submissions to various web directories….
CopyscapeSearch for copies of your page on the Web
Site Analysis including Link PopularityThis tool generates a complete site analysis e.g. amount of backlinks, indexed sites, Google PageRank and also if your domain is listed in DMOZ and Yahoo directory
Sitemap GeneratorCreate your Google Sitemap Online
Similar Page CheckerSearch Engines are known to penalize websites that contain Duplicate / Similar content. Your content could be similar to other websites on the Internet, or pages from within your own website could be similar to each other. This tool allows you to determine the percentage of similarity between two pages
SpeedtesterThis tool shows the duration of a given website. This value can be used for showing how long a website take to load and if it is better to optimize the website or change a (slow) ISP.
mod_rewrite RewriteRule GeneratorOur mod_rewrite RewriteRule generator will take a dynamic url given to it, and generate the correct syntax to place in a .htaccess file to allow the url to be rewritten in a spiderable format
URL Rewrite (mod_rewrite)With this tool you can generate dynamic urls to search engine friendly urls..
URL Rewriting ToolCreate Search Engine Friendly URLs
User Agent Cloaking DetectorThis tool simulates the Googlebot (based on User-Agent) to detect cloaked content
What is Hosted on that IPThis little tool lets you view the virtual hosts on a particular IP
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Best SEO Tools Part - II
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1:25 AM
Labels: free seo tools, link buidling tools, seo tools
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Best SEO Toos Part - 1
They have lot of free SEO tools available on web, here i am giving useful tools for you, check and give your opinion.
Alexa-RankingAlexa page-rank-and-rating-results
Alexa Web Rank CheckerCheck your site’s current Alexa Web Rank, Incoming Links, Reach Rank & Average Reviews
Anchor Text Backlink CheckerThis tool is to check your backlinks and the anchor text used in those backlinks.
Backlink AnalyzerResearch and analyze websites for link quality. Checks for Indexed Pages, Links to Website, EDU & .GOV Links, Domain Age & Expiration, Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank, DMOZ Listing
Backlink Anchor Text AnalyzerThis tools help you determine the backlinks of your website and link text used by your backlinks to Link to your website
Backlink BuilderBuilding Quality backlinks is one of the most important factors in Search Engine Optimization…
Domain Popularity, Domain Stats Tools…
Domain Age ToolThis tools displays the approximate age of a website on the Internet and allows you to view how the website looked when it first started
Domain DossierInvestigate domains and IP addresses
Domain PopularityThis tool shows you all backlinks for the given domain, including up to 10 subpages per backlinking domain, host IP and Google PageRank
Domain Stats ToolThis tool helps you get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains. The statistics include Alexa Taffic Rank, Age of the domains, Yahoo WebRank, Dmoz listings, count of backlinks and number of pages indexed in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.
HTTP / HTTPS Header CheckThis tools allow you to inspect the HTTP headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL. Works with HTTP and HTTPS URLs
View HTTP HeadersThis little tool lets you view the HTTP headers for a HTTP request
View HTTP PathThis little tool lets you view the path/redirects a request takes to get fulfilled
Google Page Rank Checker, Adwords Keyword Tools,Google Banned Tools…
Advanced Google searchesUse this tool to search google in many special ways. A useful resource for search engine optimization (especially keyword research) among other things
Check Google PagerankNow you can check the Google PageRank of any web page without installing the Google toolbar
Check PageRank by Google data centerWith this tool you can check the PageRank from different data centers
Free Google Adsense Keywords & YPN Keywords Search ToolWith the ability to search a growing database of tens of thousands of high-dollar Adsense keywords, Iotaweb allows publishers to find the keywords and key phrases that will allow them to focus their content to monetize their site most effectively.
Google Adwords Keyword ToolKeyword tool from Google that provides Specific and Similar keywords.
Google Banned ToolThis tool uses two methods to check to see if a URL you enter is in the Google database. Its a great way to check to see if you have been banned by Google for various reasons….
Google Keyword Ranking ToolSearch with list of keywords from differnet Google search sites
Google Page Rank CheckerInstantly check the PageRank of any website or web page
Google Page Rank CheckerA simple tool that checks and your PageRank so you can display it on your website
Google SetsAutomatically create sets of items from a few examples.
Google SynonymsType in a keyword to get Google’s synonyms using the “~keyword -keyword” method.
PageRank Authenticity CheckThis tool shows you the PageRank of a given domain. Also the PageRank will be checked of authenticity
Page Rank ToolOur PageRank Tool will query and return the Google PageRank values for submitted URL from various Google datacenters…
Poodle PredictorSee your site like Google does. Simulate search engines and predict your Google listings
Visual PageRankThe Visual PageRank - Tool shows all links and there corresponding PageRanks
Keyword Analysis Tool, Keyword Density, Keyword Suggestion Tools…
McDar Keyword Analysis ToolEnter URL and keyword, it will display Pagerank and Back links pages for the Top 10 websites.
Keyword DensityThis tool shows you how often appears which word in content of given domain
Keyword DensityThe keyword density tool is useful for helping webmasters and SEOs achieve their optimum keyword density for a set of key terms.
Keyword Density CheckerKeyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage. This tool will crawl the specified URL, extract text as a search engine would, remove common stop words and Analyze the density of the keywords.
Keyword Difficulty ToolThe keyword difficulty tool is used to analyze the competitive landscape of a particular search term or phrase, this tool issues a percentage score and provides a detailed analysis of the top ranking sites at Google and Yahoo…
Keyword research serviceType a keyword or phrase and get the top 10 Keyword Discovery listings
KwMap.netA Keyword Map For the Whole Internet
Keyword Suggestion ToolThis keyword suggestion tool will help you with the choosing of the right keywords for your website. You can see which keyword combinations are more popular and also get ideas for more keyword combinations..
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion ToolFree Overture and Google Keyword suggestion tool
Website Keyword SuggestionsThis tools tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates.
Ontology FinderRelated Keywords Lookup Tool
Overture Keyword ToolThis tool, based on the excellent Overture and Wordtracker keyword search tools, gives similar data, including search figures from the previous month. It also adds statistics for average searches per hour, day, week, projected figures for the next 12 months and then also a figure to see how searches may look in 3 years from now.
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11:21 PM